While photos and videos have their uses and remain extremely popular,  the possibilities for graphics are vast. Photos tend to be one note: they show a product, a person or group, or scenery. They’re good for your aesthetic design, but don’t serve as strong content on their own.

Graphics can communicate with the power of text but the visual draw of art and design. By taking the strengths of imagery (visual communication) and words (verbal communication), we can connect effectively and ensure more people are understanding us.

To help you get a sense of what makes graphics work, think about what does not work. Try to recall occasions when you have witnessed the following visual media failures:

  • Websites crammed with so many images, flashing phrases, and clashing colors that they are almost unreadable
  • Assembly instructions with illustrations or diagrams that are impossible to follow
  • Photographic elements that are obviously (and badly) altered with photo-editing software
  • Distracting typos or other errors in signs, advertisements, or headlines
  • Tables, charts, or graphs with tiny, dense text or missing labels

In each case, the problem is that the media creator did not think carefully enough about the purpose and audience. For example: The purpose of images, color, or flashing text on a website is to attract attention. Overusing these elements defeats the purpose because the viewer may become overwhelmed or distracted. 

In contrast, effective graphic elements are chosen or created with the purpose and audience in mind.

Visuals make a brand recognizable. Big companies use specific shapes, colors and fonts to communicate a specific message and to stand out from their competition. This consistency in style is what makes a visual communication in business successful and efficient and it gives your brand an advantage and awareness.

Trilight Media offers graphic design services and we place an emphasis on the conceptual and planning phases so that your visual media is suitable for effectively achieving your goals.
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